1. The Book of Love By K. C. Jones ($12.95), 2. paisley sweetie ($6), 3. Valentine Card, Handmade Heart, Vermillion on Black ($7.95), 4. Floral Heart Print ($12-$24), 5. Valentine Vintage Card Kit ($9), 6. humongous plush heart ($22), 7. in bed ($4.50), and 8. so good letterpress card ($4.50)
collections : be mine.
1. The Book of Love By K. C. Jones ($12.95), 2. paisley sweetie ($6), 3. Valentine Card, Handmade Heart, Vermillion on Black ($7.95), 4. Floral Heart Print ($12-$24), 5. Valentine Vintage Card Kit ($9), 6. humongous plush heart ($22), 7. in bed ($4.50), and 8. so good letterpress card ($4.50)
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