Since Abby has dubbed this week "unofficial breakfast week," how could I not do a post to go along with it? Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, hands down- really, few foods can compare to biscuits & gravy, Belgian waffles, fresh fruit, and home-fried potatoes. So, what do you like to eat for breakfast and/or what did you eat today? I had homemade banana raisin bread and some black tea. Share! (P.S: can you spot my knuckle tattoo in one of the photographs?)
Sources (from top to bottom): Flickr: thundered cat, burcu avsar, Jennifer Causey, fine little day, Flickr: Katie Helmer, Tara Donne, Flickr: Xavier Encinas, Lara Ferroni, Lara Hata, and becoming a foodie.
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