1. Ice Cream Drip (print) from Rebecca Rebouche ($100), 2. Travel Paris Illust Linen Fabric 7 Cut from giftbox4you ($11.99), and 3. your new boyfriend handmade sticker set - special sailor edition from Nowvember ($7)
4. Baby Toes Succulent in Cute Little Forest Pot from Monkeys Always Look ($22), 5. You Send Me, Single Card from Two Trick Pony ($4.50), and 6. Reef Ring - Ready to Ship from Brooke Modlin ($20)
7. Bespoke Leaf Silhouette Portrait from Jenny Lee Fowler ($65), 8. Oh, Orange 8x8 Signed Print from Tina Crespo ($15), and 9. Doli little light bulb. Doli bombillita. from Misako Mimoko ($80)
I'm off until Tuesday- I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!
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